Friday, July 10, 2009

7 for 70 Primer

What does the existence of G‑d imply?

I. First of all, that G‑d is "all powerful"; which means, that He can do anything.

As great as the entire universe seems to be, G‑d created it all, and yet He is still beyond even all this.

II. The next step is that, since G‑d wouldn't create anything without a reason (unlike a human). Everything must have a purpose; and every part must work together in a colossal unity, to achieve that purpose.

If everything doesn't have a purpose, then why was it created? To just be admired by G‑d like a painting?

III. Now since G‑d is all‑powerful, and He created the world for a purpose, could it be, that His Will won't be fulfilled?

Therefore, whatever purpose G-d created the world for, it will ultimately happen.

IV. Since G‑d has a Will, that has to be fulfilled; He must have a means for its achievement. Therefore, He creat­ed a human, to be the means, to carry out His Will.

V. There must be some way, that G‑d lets a person know His Will. This must be true, since people by them­selves would never stumble upon, the hidden key to the "unity of purpose" of creation; hidden in all the innumerable differences of the physical world.

The way G‑d let us know His Will, was by giving us the Torah.

VI. Now we see, that everything has a purpose, and a human is to carry out G‑d's Will. The problem remains: What makes a human anything more, than a toy or a robot, that is merely programmed to do only one thing? If this were the case, all of creation would be a senseless joke.

This is not the case, because G‑d gave a human free‑will.

The power of free‑will, which was given through G‑d's great kindness, allows people through their own effort, to reach unbelievable heights.

When a person chooses on his own to do G‑d's will, he then becomes a partner in creation; and as a result, becomes united with G‑d on an infinitely high level.

VII. Now, since creation has a plan, and a human has free‑will to choose; in order for there to be a choice, there have to be two things to choose from.

And since nothing else exists outside of G‑d (the world only being a creation), the only choice must be; the doing of G‑d's will, and the not doing of His will.

VIII. Since G‑d originally created everything for a purpose, and G‑d's Will doesn't change, (which would imply, that He had to change it, because He made a mistake, or because He didn't have control over everything), then this means, that there must be non‑changing rules and values, that are true throughout time.

IX. We also know, that the reason a human can reach high levels, is because, they have a G‑dly soul.

This means, that since each person's essence is their soul, and the soul is part of G‑d, and G‑d doesn't change; so too, a human being's essence (what one really needs and desires, and what fulfills one, and makes one ultimately happy), never changes throughout time; no matter how the external world has changed, around one.

X. In other words, the only way a person can fulfill his true being, and reach his true potential, is through connecting with the essence of everything ‑‑ G‑d.

And since everything has a purpose, therefore everything has a G-dly way it should be used, to fulfill its purpose, and reveal its holiness. This is done, through the means created by G‑d ‑‑ the Torah.

The choice is ours.

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