Friday, July 10, 2009

Noahide Courts

QUESTION : Will Noahide courts have a central court, like a Sanhedrin?

ANSWER : It would appear, that it is the responsibility of the ruling power, to institute oversight on the courts, to be sure that only proper and expert judges are appointed; and that the judges do not act corruptly or unrighteously, which is forbidden.

More research is needed, to address questions about "appeals" courts, or "referral" courts.
QUESTION : Do Noahide courts only apply ,when there's a Holy Temple in Jerusalem and a Sanhedrin?

Don't Noahides have their own Noahide courts too?

ANSWER : The Children of Noah have an obligation, to have their own Noahide courts, independent of the Holy Temple and the Sanhedrin of the Jews.

Every nation, which holds itself to be an independent and autonomous entity, is obligated to establish a system of courts, to uphold the Seven Noahide Commandments.

Aside from this, it is assumed, that the Gentile nations also establish civil laws, according to their own principles.
And that their courts rule on civil matters, since these inevitably arise in the normal functioning of a society.

But even if, when and where, there are no Noahide courts, every Gentile is obligated to constrain himself or herself, to believe in, and follow, the Seven Noahide Commandments.
QUESTION : What jursidction do these courts have?

ANSWER : In regard to the Seven Noahide Commandments, the verdict of a trial, (which is properly conducted according to G-d's rules, by a proper Noahide court), is final.

One of the best sources for information about the concept of a Noahide court, is the chapter on "Courts of Law" in "The Path of the Righteous Gentile."

We see for example in the Book of Genesis, that the sons of Jacob were accepted by the people of that time, as Noahide Judges, who could hold court, decide verdicts, and order punishment of duly convicted individuals.
When Moshiach comes, there will be no need for criminal trials by a Jewish Sanhedrin or by Noahide courts, since nobody will have a desire, to actually commit a sin.
In the future Era of Moshiach, which is coming speedily and in our days, there should be no need for capital trials, since the Moshiach will improve the entire world, and motivate all the nations to serve G-d together.

As it is prophecied in Zephaniah 3:9 - "I [G-d] will make the peoples pure of speech (one language), that they all will call upon the Name of G-d, and serve Him with one purpose."

All Gentiles will return to the true Noahide faith, and will no longer destroy or steal. In that time, the occupation of the entire world will be only to know G-d.

As Isaiah 11:9 states: "The world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d, as the sea fills the ocean bed." (Maimonides, Laws of Kings, Chap. 11-12.)

If there would be such a thing as a Noahide court, before the Moshiach appears, authority over capital cases would rest on courts of proper judges, who conduct their trials properly.

The judges in Noahide courts must themselves be strict followers of the letter and spirit of the Noahide Commandments, and they must refer any questions they have on the Torah Law, to reliable and expert Orthodox Rabbis.

Also, any witness who is known to transgress any of the Noahide Laws, is not allowed to testify in the court.

Only adult males, who keep the Noahide Laws, do acts of kindness, and behave in a straight, honest and upright way, are allowed to testify against the accused person.

Someone who acts disgracefully in public, is disqualified as a witness.

Furthermore, the Torah-based authority of the Noahide court to function, and carry out punishments, would have to be accepted by the society, in which it is functioning.

If all nations complied with these laws, then war, instead of being the norm of international relations, would be a thing of the past.

Youth need to be taught, that the Noahide Laws come from the Torah, that they unite all religions.

Political institutions, the goal for which they rule, must have ethical-religious content.

From these basic factors, of a civic ethos, they must continue develop, and be reinforced by appropriate educational and social institutions.

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