Friday, July 10, 2009

"Seeing" G-d

G-d's existence is unique, [unlike anything else], because His existence comes from His Essence.

Everything else comes from something else, but G-d's existence comes from Himself. He exists by Himself – of Himself.
People don’t have a problem with G-d’s existence; people have a problem with what G-d wants of them.

First from G-d's true existence, everything else comes into being.

This tells us, that everything that exists, is existing from His true existence; which means, that the truth of every created thing, is want G-d wants of it. Being G-d's will.

What is the truth of a tree? That G-d wants it to exist!
If you say that G-d is only capable of infinity, but is not capable of also being finite; then you have diminished His completeness."
What will the world look like after G-d is revealed?
Exactly like it does now.

The only thing that will be different will be, that we will all see G-d’s will; we will see G-d’s existence, in every physical creation.
We can see G-d, because He doesn't want us to see him.

The reason we don’t see G-d is because we are very gross. We are very low, our eyes are not pure enough to see G-d. And those who do have pure eyes, are the great Tzadikim, who can see.

Why don’t we see infinity, because infinity is not finite; and finite is not infinite. So our eyes are finite, and we can’t see infinity.

G-d in His Essence is not holy, He is not infinite, and He is not finite, He’s G-d. He is not limited by any limitation.
Why won’t He let us see Him?
The answer is not, that G-d wants to be hidden.
There is a story of the Baal Shem Tov.

He once saw a little girl crying, and he asked her why she’s crying.

She said, because she and her friends were playing a game of hide-and-seek. And she went to hide in her best hiding place, and when she realized that her friends couldn't find her, she started crying.
Hearing this, the Baal Shem Tov said:

"The lesson from this story is:
G-d hides, but not because He doesn’t want to be seen. He hides because, He wants us to find Him."

He hides in order to give us free-choice, so that when we choose to do His will, we gain eternal reward.

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