Friday, July 10, 2009


When G-d created the world, the principal dwelling place of the Divine Presence, was originally in the lower realms, the earth.

1. When Adam sinned, the Divine Presence departed to the first Heaven.

2. Cain sinned, and It departed to the second Heaven.

3.The generation of Enosh sinned, and the Divine Presence departed to the third Heaven.

4. The generation of the Flood sinned, and the Divine Presence departed to the fourth Heaven.

5. The generation of the Dispersion [which built the tower of Babel] sinned, and the Divine Presence departed to the fifth Heaven.

6.The people of Sodom sinned, and the Divine Presence departed to the sixth Heaven.

7. The Egyptians arose in the days of Abraham and sinned, and the Divine Presence departed to the seventh Heaven.
Afterwards, seven righteous individuals [tzaddikim] arose and brought the Divine Presence down to earth:
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Levi, Kehot, Amram [and] Moses.

As it is written, “The righteous shall inherit the earth, and forever dwell upon it[12]“.

The righteous cause the Divine Presence, to dwell upon the earth.
These seven sins, committed by the effected beings [which caused the progressive departure of the Divine Presence; were violations of the commandments which [G-d] gave them, from the beginning of the creation of His world.

[These are the prohibitions of] consuming the limb of a living creature, blasphemy, idolatry, forbidden sexual relationships, courts [the prohibition upon arbitrary judgment, and arbitrary processes of justice], theft and murder.
The seven commandments: human being should be good both to Heaven, and good to his or her fellow beings.”

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