Friday, July 10, 2009

The Advantage of the Non-Jewish Nations

When the spiritual value of the nations of the world is analyzed, it is clear, that quality and quantity are interrelated.

Particularly, when we are speaking about beings created by G-d from absolute nothingness, their very existence - and surely their quantity - is directly related with their quality, the Divine life-force which brings them into being. [3]

Thus, the fact, that the quantity of the Gentile nations, is more than that of the Jews, forces us to say, that they also possess an advantage over the Jews.

The advantage possessed by the Gentiles, parallels the advantage possessed by Teshuvah [restoring one's connection to G-d] after sinning, over the essential service of Teshuvah.

Which is Teshuvah, that is not to compensate for sin, but rather (as implied, by the simple meaning of the term) the reconnection of the soul, to its Divine source.
To explain: Most people's conception of Teshuvah is to repent for sin. Although this is a mistaken perspective — (and, indeed, the essence of Teshuvah, is for the soul to reconnect and cling to its G-dly source), — the fact that this perspective exists [4] indicates, that even in truth, from a certain standpoint, Teshuvah for sins, does possess a superior dimension.

The advantage of that form of Teshuvah is, that it has an effect on, and transforms into holiness, even a lower level of existence; a form of conduct, which is against G-d's will.
The highest sparks of G-dliness, are enclothed in this form of conduct [5], and through Teshuvah, they are elevated to their source. Nevertheless, in an ultimate sense, there is an advantage to Teshuvah which has no connection to sin; because through this form of Teshuvah, we connect our souls to their source, the essence of G-d. [6]

Indeed, it is this essential connection, which generates the potential for repentance for sin, and endows the Teshuvah connected with repentance, to lead to the reestablishment of the ultimate essential bond, with G-d.
A similar concept applies, in regard to the contrast between the Jews and the Gentiles, mentioned above. The Gentiles possess an advantage in the realm of quality as well. For the refinement of the Gentiles, elevates a higher level of Divine sparks, the sparks which fell from the [spiritual] world of Tohu.

This makes possible the [fulfillment of the desire of] the A-lmighty, to merit all the inhabitants of the world, to follow the Seven channels, which were commanded to Noah's descendants.

Ya'akov's continued progress in those years, and the refinement of ancient Egypt - (which is connected with the transformation of the lowest aspects of existence - which he accomplished); allowed him to enjoy true spiritual prosperity there.

There is an advantage to the service of the Gentile; and this advantage can be achieved, through the service of the Jews, through their teaching of the Seven Commandments, to the nations of the world.

Indeed, the most complete level of a Jew's service, must include these activities as well.

This then prepares the world for the revelation of G-d's sovereignty, and the advent of the era when, "I will make the peoples pure of speech; that they will all call on the Name of G-d, and serve Him with a single purpose."
[Zephaniah 3:9]

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