Friday, July 10, 2009

Proposal: 7 Mitzvah's Ciriculum

There would be separate schools for boys and girls.

Parents would be required to take a weekly course for one month, in order to learn how to reinforce the values, that their children are learning in school; and how to implement them in the home.

In addition to the basic skills, the curriculum would consist of:

1. A moment-of-silence at the beginning of each day.
2. The Seven Mitzvahs and their corollaries.
3. Studying the Shulchan-Aruch for non-Jews.
4. What is Torah. Who are the Jewish people.
5. Understanding G-d:

G-d knows what we are doing at all times, G-d is infinite, and G-d gave us souls and wants us to utilize them.

Topics would include: Shaar Yecud VeEmuna.
Chassidus that explains G-d, His transcendence, and His uniqueness.

6. Rules of conduct and discipline. We are responsible, for all our actions as individuals.
7. We have a responsibility to others, and mankind in general. Our interdependence. Unity and not competition. The uniqueness of each individual, and each person’s important role in the betterment of the world.
8. Goodness & Kindness.
9. Understanding Geula.
10. Tzinus (modesty)
11. The importance of charity. Giving is more important than taking.
12. Respect of people of all races. Respect of property, life, and ourselves. Respect of parents.
13. Teaching communication skills, to improve family life and interaction, and future Sholom Bayis.
14. The importance of marriage and family. The value, of long term relationships.
15. How all of mankind is united through the Torah, which brings peace and prosperity, to those who follow its ways.
16. The importance of ethics and morality, based on G-d and Torah; as opposed to hedonism and the acquiring of wealth. How spiritual values, are more eternal and fulfilling.
17. The buddy-system will be initiated. A student’s grade, will be contingent on his learning- partner, also doing well. As a result, he will be motivated to help the other person grow.
18. Leadership skills will be taught, in order to groom the future world leaders, who will lead the world in a path of Goodness and Kindness.

On Fridays: visiting nursing homes, hospitals, poor and underprivileged families.

Also, a big brother-sister program would be initiated.
After school community works projects.

Example: Helping new mothers, by volunteering to baby-sit, cook, clean the house, etc. Painting a poor persons home. Planting a garden for them. Taking handicapped children on an outing to a park, zoo, etc. Tutoring slow students.
The Havrusa system (study partners) of learning, would be initiated. This is conducive to active, participatory learning, (not just listening and memorizing facts), and self-discovery and growth.

Example: A smart student, would be paired with a slower student, in order that he learn, how to respect everyone. Also it is conducive, to learn how to think clearly and logically.
There would be school uniforms. And parents would agree to limit the amount of television their children watch, and the content. Limit and screen computer games (no violence), videos (only kosher videos); books, magazines (not Tznius); newspapers, radio (no shock radio), etc.
Summer camps will be established, in order to reinforce what was learned during the school-year.
Learning trips to 770, and Israel.
Establishing a Beni-Noach, Children’s Museum.
At the end of the school year, a nationally televised program would be held, in which there would be a contest for the best students across America.

The winner would be judged on the basis of, knowledge, Middos (character), effort, and community service.

The winner would receive a large prize.

Any child that did an heroic act, or an act of good, would be honored at a special awards dinner. Family, relatives, and friends, would sit the head table.

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