Friday, July 10, 2009

Noahide Courts

It would appear, that it is the responsibility of the ruling power, to institute oversight on the courts; to be sure, that only proper and expert judges are appointed; and that the judges do not act corruptly or unrighteously, which is forbidden.

The Children of Noah, have an obligation to have their own Noahide courts; independent of the Holy Temple, and the Sanhedrin of the Jews.

Every nation which, holds itself to be an independent and autonomous entity, is obligated to establish a system of courts, to uphold the Seven Noahide Commandments.

Even without any Noahide courts, as in the situation we have today, Gentiles are still continuously liable to Heavenly judgment, in this world and the next, for unrepentant transgressions, of the Noahide Commandments.
In the future Era of the Moshaich, which is coming speedily and in our days; there should be no need for capital trials, since Moshiach will improve the entire world; and motivate all the nations, to serve G-d together,

As it is prophesied in Zephaniah 3:9 - "I [G-d] will make the peoples, pure of speech, that they all will call upon the Name of G-d, and serve Him with one purpose."

All Gentiles will return to the true Noahide faith, and will no longer destroy or steal. In that time, the occupation of the entire world will be, only to know G-d,

As Isaiah 11:9 states: "The world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d, as the sea fills the ocean bed." (Maimonides, Laws of Kings, Chap. 11-12).

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