Friday, July 10, 2009

Every Jew to serve as a "light unto the nations"

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, encourages every Jew, to serve as a "light unto the nations," by encouraging those non-Jews he encounters, to fulfill the 7 Noahide Laws.

From the Seicha of 12th Day Of Tammuz, 5745, 1985:

The Rambam states, that the world received the Torah from G-d; and when the Jews got the Torah, G-d also said, that we are a "light to the nations of the world."

This included the specific directive, that when a Jew befriends a someone else, he should not forget the main point. That is, not to do a better business
deal, but to help them fulfill the will of G-d, to teach them.

Not to forget the essential thing, the spriritual role of makind, to follow the Seven Noachide Laws.
If you strive, you will succeed, and he will thank you for bringing him to the truth.

To those who are skeptical of my pleas, I challenge them to go out and test my words -- try and see what the result will be.

Hopefully you won't be ashamed to tell later ,how you were successful and you will influence others to follow your way.

By encouraging a non-Jew to do the Seven Noachide Laws -- you will see success.

Don't shirk the responsibility -- you will also have good results from it. In the nature of the world, when one person does a favor for another, there must be mutual satisfaction; the giver and the receiver both benefit.

Just as the Gemara says: "More than the householder does with the poor person, the poor man does for the householder. Both will benefit."

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